Are political parties better understood as reflections of ‘social cleavages’, or products of strategic action?

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Are political parties better understood as reflections of ‘social cleavages’, or products of strategic action?

 As famously expressed by the 19th century French politician and writer

Tocqueville, political parties in democratic countries are “the only powerful persons who aspire to rule the state”. Thus, political scientists and politicians have been keen on examining patterns of support that political parties receive from significant social groupings. The concept of cleavages has become a vital concept in political science when trying to understand voting behaviour and party systems. Seymour Martin Lipset and Stein Rokkan (1967) described the development of European party systems in terms of the historical conditions of national and socio-economic development.  According to Lipset and Rokkan’s work, party preferences are strongly influenced by the social groups to which voters belong. Parties arise, then, in response to the demands of these voters. On the other hand, the changes that took place in the European party systems since the Second World War have led many political scientists such as Kirchheimer, Dalton to view political parties as products of an interaction of social base and strategic action. Kirchheimer’s ‘catch-all party model’ aimed to show the new intention of European political parties to attract as many voters as they can, giving less importance to the hitherto decisive social structures. This essay will argue that although political parties across Western Europe were formed on the basis of social cleavages, in time strategic action has become a crucial factor in understanding political parties.

Before looking at these arguments more in depth, one needs to look at what ‘social cleavage’ means in political science. Rae and Taylor define cleavages as

“The criteria which divide the members of a community or sub community into groups, and the relevant cleavages are those which divide members into groups with important political differences at specific times and places. Furthermore, Lane and Ersson identified three relevant dimensions of cleavages in Western Europe; religion, ethnicity and class.

Moreover, Lipset and Rokkan maintained that two successive revolutions in the modernization of Western societies--the National Revolution and the Industrial Revolution--created social divisions that still structure partisan competition today. The National Revolution, which involved the process of nation building that transformed the map of Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries brought about two kinds of social cleavage. The centre-periphery cleavage pitted the dominant national culture against ethnic, linguistic, or religious minorities in the provinces and the peripheral sectors of society. The church-state conflict cast the centralizing, standardizing, and mobilizing forces of the national government against the traditional influence of the Catholic Church. In the face of a growing secular government, the church sought to protect its established corporate privileges. The Industrial Revolution in the nineteenth century also generated two new social cleavages. The land-industry cleavage aligned the rural and agrarian interests against the economic concerns of the rising class of industrial entrepreneurs. The second cleavage developed between owners and workers. The struggle for the legitimisation and representation of working-class interests by labour unions often generated intense political conflict in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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These historical events may seem far removed from contemporary party systems, but Lipset and Rokkan (1967) demonstrated that a linkage exists. These four dimensions of cleavage defined the potential major bases of social conflict. As social groups related to these cleavages developed, they won access to the political process before the extension of the voting franchise. When mass voting rights were granted to most Europeans around the turn of the century, this political structure was already in place. The Conservative Party in Britain, for example, became the representative of the middle-class establishment, and the Labour Party catered to the interests ...

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