Analyse the Role of Genetic and Environmental Factors, Cultural Influences, Life-Styles, Expectations and Gender Issues and Explain How They Might Affect Learning and Development. Identify What Impact Special Educational Needs May Have On Learning and ...

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Over the centuries many theorists, biologists, psychologists and socialists have theorized, experimented and offered explanations and approaches of their own interpretation of learning and development, based on many years of research. In addition, the argument of Nature vs. Nurture is of paramount importance to their research, findings and beliefs.

Before starting to analyse what factors affect learning and development, I need to establish and define what learning and development actually mean. Questions I have to ask myself when researching this topic are as follows:

* What is learning and development?

* Are they interlinked?

* Do they have the same/separate meaning?

The answer in my own broad based opinion based on what I have read, is that the term, "Learning" is a cognitive process of acquiring new concepts and skills, in order to complete a task which in-turn increase's knowledge and understanding of the subject area to be learnt. In addition, individuals will be able to build on past experiences to identify how a situation could be improved, and then with this knowledge make actual improvements.

Furthermore, learning is influenced from the environment in which we find ourselves, which reflects greatly in our behaviour. Moreover, it is continuum throughout the human life-span.

In comparison the term, "Development" refers to the biological process by which a human organism grows and functions through its life-span. Development can be monitored by physical growth, and a marked change in performance which is usually associated with progression of increasing knowledge and skills. Development happens gradually over a period of time, allowing achievements to be built upon and improved, which is similar to the learning process. Development seems to be sequential with age, and I believe what happens in the early stages of development can have a significant affect in the later stages of development.

Furthermore, development can be influenced by our own personal experiences within the environment.

It is important to understand that there is a clear difference between learning and development. Learning occurs within specific situations and development is linked to functionality and physical growth, however, they are closely related, but have separate meanings.

Educational pioneer, Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) urged early year's educators to respect the sanctity of children learning and developing new skills through this statement:

"We grant space and time to young plants and animals because we know that, in accordance with the laws that live in them, they will develop properly and grow well. Young animals and plants are given rest and arbitrary interference with their growth is avoided, because it is known that the opposite practice would disturb their pure unfolding and sound development; but the young human being is looked upon as a piece of wax or a lump of clay which man can mould into what he pleases," (www.

The origins of learning theory are in an area of philosophy called "Epistemology," a field concerned with how we acquire knowledge.

Two philosophical traditions emerged from the writings of the ancient Greek philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. These traditions are nativism, (Plato) and empiricism, (Aristotle).

In the early seventeenth century before the beginnings of modern

Psychology, there was a philosophical debate between the empiricists and the nativists, known more commonly today as the nature-nurture debate.

The nature-nurture debate is another example of determinism. The debate is concerned with what causes something to develop. On one side, nativists see development as arising from innate factors - from inherited characteristics. On the other side, empiricists see development occurring because of experience and learning.
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British philosopher John Locke, (1632-1704) the founder of empiricism, advanced the hypothesis that children learn primarily from external forces, he implied:

"Without nurture, we are nothing" (Haralambos & Rice 2002, p.761).

Empiricists believed that the human infant is born with no skills or knowledge; they refer to the infant as a, "Tabula rasa," or "Blank slate." The rationale behind this idea is that the knowledge and skills will be, "Written on" the child by the knowledgeable hand of experience, and influenced by environmental factors. Furthermore, the infant will learn through instruction from others, in addition ...

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