Britain in the Second World War: The evacuation of British children.

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Britain in the Second World War: The evacuation of British children

Question Two

There were many different reactions of people in Britain to the policy of evacuating children depending on who you were, a parent, child or foster family.

Parents were hesitant to let their children go, they did not want their love ones to go live with random strangers, let alone leave their side. They asked a lot of questions but deep down they knew and accepted their children would be much safer away in rural areas because the attacks were expected to be aimed at the city. They did not want to leave their children and the children did not want to leave them.

Children had very mixed experiences from wanting to stay there longer too returning home and banishing the memories of ever going there. Some were lucky they had loving foster families while others had foster families who acted as if the children were a burden to them. It was a great opportunity to see the countryside, the big green hills, farm animals, and basically beautiful scenery. Compared to what they were used to boring, dirty, smelly city life. Children for the first  were living hygienically and brushed their teeth and had baths, which they were not used to living in the city. For the first time they were actually clean.

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When they saw hot water coming out of the tap they were amazed also when they noticed that they had lavatories upstairs.

'Hot water came out of the tap: and there was a lavatory upstairs'

They also had much better meals on the farms and they were healthier. They made friends for life and felt apart of another family and will remember this experience for the rest of their lives. A lot of the children loved the change and the experience.

        Some children did not enjoy staying with foster families in the countryside. They were put ...

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