Compare and contrast the parent/child relationship in the "The Dolls Children" and "On Worms and Being Lucky"

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Compare and contrast the parent/child relationship in the “The Dolls Children” and “On Worms and Being Lucky”

U A Fanthorpe expresses in many of her poems how relationships effect people from various points of view and some are through her own experiences of a child’s relationship with its parents. Two poems that focus on the issue of family bonding are “The Dolls Children” and “On Worms and Being Lucky”. In these poems Fanthorpe illustrates to the reader how she felt during her relationship with her father in throughout her young life and she also provides the reader the view of a minor character from the literacy works of Ibsen. “The Doll’s Children” inspired by “A Doll’s House”, a play written by Ibsen in which the character of Nora is looked upon as a child through out her life whilst living with her father and also her husband. Norah realizes she has been confined to living as a child amongst her own children and runs away from her family.

In many of her poems U A Fanthorpe looks at different views of literacy through the views of minor characters as in the case of “The Doll’s Children”. Whilst Ibsen’s version is written in the view of Norah, Fanthorpe however articulates the view of her children and how they felt about the events that surrounded there lives and what there mother had been put through.

In the first stanza the children from whose perspective the poem is written in state that Nora is more childlike than themselves and they describe her infantile behaviour.

“We are the children of the doll,

 Our mother plays sweetly with our toys,

 She is better at childhood than we are.”

The children believe that she is interfering with there childhood and innocence which they will only have for a restricted time as she is seen to be childish and not as a protective motherly figure she should employ. She is described as a “doll” by her own children as shown in the above extract which is a representation of a mother who has never grown up and even her very own offspring question why she hasn’t matured. The fact that the children query her maturity shows that they themselves are more grown up and educated than there own mother and they also explain to her that they feel encroached by her presence in the character of a child.

“Shouldn’t you have grown up by now?

 We need to explore the casual ways of childhood;

Join now!

 …you take up all the room.”

The way in which U A Fanthorpe phrases the children’s scrutiny demonstrates that they have a certain power over there mother as their uncertainty of her problems exemplify that they are more educated and cognizant than their supposed parental figure.

Fanthorpe then advances towards the father and what the children’s view of him is. He is described exclusively by his position but the children consider him as not being able to recognize and appreciate the family that he has created.

“We are the children of the Bank Manager,

  This is ...

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