Describe 2 Explanations Of The Formation Of Relationships:

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Describe 2 Explanations Of The Formation Of Relationships:

There are around 4 ideas or theories on how relations are formed, I will discuss 2 of these:
Physical attractiveness is found to be the most highly rated feature in the likelihood of a relationship forming e.g. when a person is asked what feature they would expect from a perfect partner many people will see ‘attractive’. In 1966 Walster and Berscheid researched the factors of the forming of relationships with a ‘computer dance’ experiment. This experiment would be unacceptable by today’s standards as the students were lied to for the sake of research. Experimenters rated the students as either, ugly, attractive or average. Participants of the tests were randomly allocated a partner for the evening, at the end the students were asked to fill in a questionnaire on their dates. It was found that the more physically attractive students were rated higher by their dates than the ugly students.

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The matching hypothesis states that couples are attracted to people at around the same level of attractiveness as themselves, this is done because we are all looking for rewards in a relationship like everyone else and therefore we are likely to be successful if we settle for someone similar as it is more likely that the relationship will be stable and therefore we will achieve a lasting and rewarding relationship. This is typically a tradition found in the West. In 1972, Murstein did an experiment where he took photographs of engaged or long lasting couples and gave individual pictures of ...

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