Describe and evaluate two theories of attachment

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Describe and evaluate two explanations of attachment (12 marks)

Attachment is a strong emotional tie that develops over time, and is usually between an infant and their mother. Prolonged separation from the attachment figure is often accompanied by stress and discomfort. People who are attached want to be near each other, and show happiness and pleasure when they are reunited after a period of separation.

One explanation of attachment is the learning theory. This theory suggests that attachment is something that is learned. There are two parts to the learning theory; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is where we learn by associating two things together. For example, the mother provides food which is pleasurable for the infant when they are hungry, so the infant associates the mother with food and the feeling of pleasure. The food is an unconditioned stimulus as it provides pleasure, and the feeling of pleasure after being fed is the unconditioned response. At first, the mother, who is providing the food, is a neutral stimulus. Gradually, the infant associates their mother with the food that provides pleasure, therefore the mother becomes the conditioned stimulus, and the feeling of pleasure becomes the conditioned response. When this association is made, an attachment begins to form.

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Operant conditioning is learning through rewards for actions. In the process of operant conditioning, the mother rewards the infant by feeding them. The infant associates the mother with the reward and repeats any action that brings her close. This is because being fed brings a feeling of pleasure to the infant. The pleasure is the reward. Food is a primary reinforcer; by removing discomfort, it reinforces the behaviour that led to it. However, food never comes without the mother, so the mother becomes the secondary reinforcer- even without bringing food, the presence of the mother reduces discomfort for the infant ...

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