Describe how Psychologists have attempted to measure personality

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Sports Psychology- Personality

Section A

  1. Describe how Psychologists have attempted to measure personality (6)


Recently, since the beginning of the 20th century, more reasonable and scientific ways of measuring an individual’s personality have been proposed as opposed to those put forward back in 400 BC by Hippocrates, who attempted to measure differences between the psychological characteristics of individuals by defining four basic temperament types of each of which could be accounted for by a predominant body fluid, for example.

An example of a more modern method includes the psychodynamic, approach, which uses projective tests as a way of measuring an individual’s personality. It is a way of trying to reveal what the individual’s unconscious desires are since human behaviour, according to the psychodynamic theory, is considered to be driven by unconscious processes. Therefore psychoanalysts are unable to assess the individual’s personality directly and thus use indirect methods, trying to predict underlying motives for behaviour. It is based on the phenomenon of projection, described by Freud as a mental process with a tendency to attribute to others personal feelings or characteristics that are too painful, for example, to acknowledge.

The best known projective tests include the Rorschach test, and the Thematic- Apperception Test (TAT).

The Rorschach Inkblot Test presents the individual with cards, one at a time, with symmetrical inkblots on them. The individual is required to tell the psychologist, the assessor, what they see in the inkblots, which he or she records. It is by what the individual perceives in the ambiguous pictures and the way in which the assessor interprets these responses that their personality profile can be formulated.

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The Thematic- Apperception Test presents the individual with pictures around which the individual has to create a story in order to explain what is happening in the pictures they see. Again, the individual’s personality profile depends on the story they create and how the psychologist interprets it.

Another way of measuring one’s personality if through objective measures, including one put forward by Hans Eysenck. He took a psychometric approach. Completing Eysencks Personality questionnaire can test an individual’s personality. The EPQ asks the respondent closed questions, requiring a simple yes or no answer from which a score is calculated, after which ...

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