How can the way we organise our thinking help us improve our memory?

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How can the way in which we organise our thinking by using mental images,         concepts and schemas help us improve our memory?

This essay will look at  some of the many ways that we organise our thinking. It will look at mental images, concepts and schemas, and the way that they can be useful aids to the improvement of memory.

Thinking can be done in two ways. This is in words and in images. Semantic thought is the term given to thoughts that are based on words and meanings. Iconic thoughts are those that are based on mental images. Through research and experiments it has been shown that iconic thought can lead to better recall of information.

Mental Images can be described as as iconic mental representations. The process of remembering things by putting the information that is to be remembered, into iconic pictures. It has been found that mental images are most effective if the images are large, colourful and unusual.

As illustrated  by Spoors et al. (2007), the use of Mental Images have proved to be valuable when learning a new language. The French word 'poubelle' can be translated into English as bin. In order to remember this, a mental image was formed which linked the two words. For this word the person, could imagine themselves holding their nose, whilst taking the lid of a bell shaped bin. This is known as the Key Word Technique.

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An experiment conducted in 1975 by Raugh and Atkinson, the developers of the key word technique, highlights the positive use of mental imagery when learning  a new language. In this experiment there was two groups. Both groups were told to learn sixty Spanish words. The only difference between the two groups was that one group were taught about the key word technique , and the other were unaware of it. When the participants were tested, the results showed that the group who were taught about the key word technique scored an average of 88%. The other group, those that ...

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