Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

In order to understand what OCD is, we need to identify and distinguish between what is meant by an ‘obsession’ and what is meant by a ‘compulsion’

Obsession        are recurrent, unwanted thoughts and images which seem  involuntary and are intensely distressing. These obsessions are usually aggressive, sexual or blasphemous

Compulsions        are actions of which the victim/patient feel compelled to carry out over and over again, perhaps learnt through rituals or rules.

Obsession and compulsions are often inter-related and that compulsions can be used to try and counteract obsessions. For example, compulsive hand washing may be an attempt to eradicate the obsessive preoccupation of having germs and dirt on the hands.

A person may however have only obsessive thoughts without their expression as compulsive behaviour.

Failure to complete the compulsion often results in severe anxiety or panic - but continuing to try to live with the rituals often also leads to anxiety or depression.

Examples of compulsions include excessive hand washing, cleaning, counting, checking, touching, arranging, hoarding, measuring, excessive neatness, and repeating tasks or actions.

Examples of obsessions are worrying excessively about germs, contamination, dirt, fearing having harmed others, intrusive sexual thoughts or urges, death and illness.

People with OCD are aware that their compulsions and obsessions are irrational or excessive. Perception of reality is not distorted. However, this knowledge is not sufficient to enable them to stop the obsessions and compulsions.

OCD affects approximately 2% of the population. Males and females are equally affected.Although the symptoms of OCD typically begin during the teenage years or early adulthood, children can develop the condition at earlier ages, even during the pre-school years. Research indicates that at least one-third of cases of OCD in adults began in childhood.

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Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Below is a list of symptoms one might expect to see in a person suffering from OCD:-

  • Excessive fear of contamination and germs, leading to excessive cleaning.
  • Constant checking things, such as doors, locks etc.
  • Constant counting, while performing routine tasks.
  • Feelings of having to do things a certain number of times or doing things in a certain order.
  • Obsessively arranging things in an methodical, orderly fashion.
  • Intrusive unwanted thoughts, often of a disturbing nature.
  • Intrusive unwanted ...

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