Personality.There are a number of different theories that try to explain how personality develops and some of the main ones are: Biological Theory

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Theories of Personality:

There are a number of different theories that try to explain how personality develops and some of the main ones are:

  • Biological Theory
  • Psychodynamic Theory
  • Humanistic Theory
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Trait Theory

Biological Theory:

Early theories of personality tended to focus upon biological aspects. These have now moved on from the simple ones proposed by the Greeks, which assigned individuals to one of four categories, depending upon the predominance of bodily fluids. However, it is important to note that those who support the biological explanation do not believe that all behavior, all the time, is under biological influences. There are certain biological factors that influence sporting behavior, for example, height and body shape, but no sport psychologist would claim that these are the basis of personality, rather that there is an interaction between the biological factors and personality.

Psychodynamic Theory:

Freud is the most famous psychologist associated with psychodynamic theory. Freud, using self-analysis and detailed observation of patients who were neurotic, carried out much of the early work. His theories have been modified over time. According to Freud, there are three parts to an individual’s personality: the ‘id’, the ‘ego’ and the ‘superego’. The ‘id’ is the pleasure-seeking part of personality and is the unconscious, instinctive motive. The ‘ego’ is the realistic, logical part of personality and the ‘superego’ is the moral part of personality. There are conflicts between the ‘id’ and the ‘superego’, and the ‘ego’s’ role is to assist in resolving these.

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According to Freud, aggressive and sexual instincts are the major determinants of our personality.

Humanistic Theory:

The main psychologists associated with this theory are Maslow and Roger’s. They believed that individuals possess an inner drive to succeed and better themselves and consequently see human nature as healthy and constructive. This contrast’s with Freud’s rather pessimistic view of humans. The critical concept in connection with this theory is self-actualization. This is the ongoing process whereby individuals seek to achieve their full potential. Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs, which has self-actualization at the pinnacle, but before it can be reached, lower ...

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