Peter Hirsch

The brain perceives a stressor.  The hypothalamus is activated which releases CRF.  The CRF activates the pituitary gland which releases ACTH.  ACTH causes the adrenal cortex to release cortisol into the blood stream which causes a stress response.  If the stressor doesn’t go away, this causes more CRF to be release which ultimately causes more cortisol.

When the body is under threat, almost every organ and gland is alerted the neurons from the SNS, by the neurotransmitter noradrenaline.  Response includes increased cardiac output, increased pupil size and metabolic changed.  At the same time as the SNS is activates the SAM system alerts the animal through the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream which is rapidly transported throughout the body to prepare the animal for fight or fight.  The SAM is regulated the SNS and the adrenal medulla.

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The cells that account for the immune system are white blood cells or leucocytes.  They circulate the body seeking out and destroying any organisms that may be harmful.  Lymphocytes remember and can recognize previous invaders.  There are B-cell lymphocytes and T-cell lymphocytes B-cells work to produce specific antibodies to neutralize infections and t-cells detect infected cells and kill them outright.  They are called Natural Killer (NK) cells.  Another type of leucocytes cell is macrophages, which engulf and then digests cell debris and pathogens.  The immediate (non specific) immune response just consists of NK cells and macrophages

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