The evidence for short term memory and its hypothetical construct and its nature

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The evidence for short term memory and its hypothetical construct and its nature (w/word limit)

The recency effect is another method of assessing the very small capacity of short term memory.  The recency affect can be measured using “free recall”, a process wherebye participants are shown a list of words and asked to recall them in any order immediately after the list was presented.  The recency effect is demonstrated by the fact that the last few items in a list are usually much better remembered than items from the middle of the list.

In 1966 two psychologists Glanzer and Cunitz found that people could remember a similar number of words from earlier in the recall list but not the few at the end, if the recall test involved “interference” i.e. the participant having to count backwards for 10 seconds after being presented the list of words.   Also in the experiment, it was found that participants recalled the first few items much better than those from the middle of the list.  This is known as the primacy effect.  This is because the participants rehearse the first words more and so encode them better.

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The recency effect suggests that the capacity of short-term memory is about two or three chunks whereas the span measures indicate a capacity of about seven chunks.  One reason for this difference is the different pattern of rehearsals that take place for each assessment.  Both the recency effect and span measures providence evidence showing that the capacity of short-term memory is limited.

An experiment by Peterson and Peterson in 1959  known as the “Brown – Peterson technique” was used to demonstrate the duration of a short term memory.  Participants were required to remember a fairly artificial kind of ...

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