All life is living in shadows Discuss

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 �All life is living in shadows� Discuss

All life is living in the shadows" means, we can only ever get different perceptions of the world but never access reality itself.  In the allegory of the cave, Plato journey talks about people living in a cave who can only see shadows on the walls, with that being their �reality, having to make conclusions about life and the world from what they can see. They can only assume what the world is like outside the cave. The phrase means that just like the prisoners in Plato�s analogy of the cave, humans can only see shadows and cannot actually see truth.

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Everyone living in the cave, in a material world, is living a life of shadows. Mankind lives in a world full of power and greed, which prevents humans from unchaining themselves from the cave, keeping them in the darkness which is a false reality. Today, in a society ruled by material goods, humans are unaware of the important things in life and their purpose in life, lacking a true perception of reality, instead looking at the shadows presented in front of them. To be truly enlightened and see the truth people must ignore what is in front of them, ...

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