Compare and contrast the marriage ceremonies of Christianity and Islam. For both, explain the importance of any symbolic elements.

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Compare and contrast the marriage ceremonies of Christianity and Islam.  For both, explain the importance of any symbolic elements.

In Islam, Muslims are encouraged to marry and very few stay single.  Similarly, many Christians get married at some stage in their lives as the bible says that marriage was given to humans by God, with intention that it would join men and women together for life and be able to help one another.

In both Islam and Christianity, when a man and a woman get married, a wedding ceremony takes places on the wedding day.  In Islam it is usual for the wedding day to consist of two parts – the nikah and the walimah.  Similarly, in Christianity the wedding day normally consists of two parts – the ceremony and the reception.  The nikah in Islam and the ceremony in Christianity are similar as are the legal binding of the couple and often take place in the religious place of worship – the Mosque in Islam and the Church in Christianity.  Christians have the ceremony in the Church so they feel that they receive God’s blessing.  However, some Islam Nikah ceremonies take place in the home, as they believe that God is everywhere- tawhid.  The walimah in Islam and the reception in Christianity are also similar as they have a more personal element, however the Christian reception tends to take place immediately after the ceremony, where as the walimah takes place the next day or up to three days after the nikah.  The Christian ceremony and the nikah contrast as although in both religions they are legal ceremonies, in Christianity, it is seen as a religious ceremony also, where as in Islam the marriage ceremony is not a religious one.  This is because Christians regard marriage as a sacrament, as in marriage it is believed two people are joined by God.

The nikah ceremony tends to be simple in the Mosque where as in Christianity it tend to be less simple, as Prophet Muhammad considered simple weddings the best weddings, “The best wedding is that upon which the least trouble and expense is bestowed” (Mishkat).  

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Unlike in Christianity, where the bride and bridegroom are likely to have spent a lot of time together before the marriage, in Islam, if it is an arranged marriage, often the bride and bridegroom have not met.  This is because in Christianity, it is seen as a marriage between two people, where as in Islam, it is seen instead as two families joining together to bring up children into the Islam religion.

During the nikah it is usual for an Imam to be present and during the Christian wedding ceremony a Priest.  However, an Imam does not have ...

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