Cell Specialisation. The human body is comprised upward of 60,000,000,000 cells, all individually specialised (Dictionary, 2005). This essay will explore how their ultrastructure differentiates them, focusing on a few cells in particular.

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Human Physiology Level 3         Elizabeth Chavez         18/10/2011

Cell Specialisation

After looking at a slice of cork under the microscope, Robert Hooke, in 1665, described the shapes he saw as ‘cells’ thinking of monks’ chambers (Iyer, 2009).  The ‘cell’ is the most basic autonomous component of life.  The human body is comprised upward of 60,000,000,000 cells, all individually specialised (Dictionary, 2005).  This essay will explore how their ultrastructure differentiates them, focusing on a few cells in particular.

Animal cells are eukaryotic: they contain membrane-bound nuclei (Miller & White, 2004).  This is one of many organelles; it coordinates cellular activity and processes.  The nuclear membrane protects the genetic make-up of the cell: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and is perforated by small nuclear pores which allow certain substances to pass in or out of the nucleus.  

Information (in the form of molecules exiting the nucleus), then travels to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER); a structure continuous with the outer layer of the nuclear membrane.  There are two subcategories of ER: rough and smooth.  The difference is notable when observed under an electron microscope, in that rough ER appears ‘speckled’ due to the ribosomes covering its surface (Carter, 2004).  Both are responsible for the synthesis of proteins and lipids, which are eventually excreted in the form of vesicles that travel freely through the cytoplasm; cytoplasm refers to cytosol and other organelles.

Vesicles then fuse with the Golgi body.  Here, proteins are modified, for instance by adding a carbohydrate, during passage through then released either as secretory products or lysosomes.  Lysosomes differ as they contain digestive enzymes to break down macromolecules, to smaller nutrients the cell can utilise, and expired organelles, such as mitochondria.

Mitochondria generate the energy required for metabolism in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  They have a bilayer membrane; the outer being smooth and protective whilst the inner layer forms highly folded projections called cristae which increase surface area, facilitating maximum aerobic respiration.  Glucose is combined with oxygen to form ATP.

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Any waste products of the cell are excreted through the cell membrane (the thin protective lamina encapsulating the cell).  It is selectively permeable meaning some substances may pass through while others are prohibited.

Animal cell:

One highly specialised cell is the erythrocyte; a biconcave disc about 7μm in diameter (Britanica, 2011).  Its primary function is to transport oxygen from the pulmonary vasculature to tissues throughout the body.  

It accomplishes this utilising haemoglobin; an iron-containing protein accounting for 30% of the cell’s weight (Slomianka, 2009).  To procure maximum oxygen storage capacity the erythrocyte has evolved without organelles, as they ...

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