Effect of Concentration of Substrate on Enzymes

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AIM - To find the effect of 'concentration of substrate' on an enzyme controlled reaction and

HYPOTHESIS - To prove the hypothesis: as the concentration doubles so does the rate of reaction, A point is reached however, where all sites are being used and by raising the substrate concentration the rate won't increase as the limiting factor is the amount of enzymes.

RESEARCH - A test that could be done is timing the speed of a reaction with obvious end results. In most instances it is hard to record the exact finish.

The reactants being used are hydrogen peroxide and the Enzyme - Catalase. This reaction produces O2 and H2O. These are not easy to see being made and a way is needed to facilitate this. pH is hard to measure to see the H2O2 change to neutral. A colorimeter could be used for accurate colour tests, but not for an accurate time scale as there would be time lapses between testing and getting the colour change. It is hard to see the change at exactly pH7. When pH changes from 4 to 6 it's on a very steep part of the graph showing pH change...

If phenaphalin (an indicator that changes at pH 8) is used (or another indicator that changes at pH 7 of after) it's on the flatter part of the graph where there is little difference between each pH. It is therefore harder to see when the change occurs because it is so gradual. Each indicator has it's flaws and is better to use the most accurate and easiest to measure (screened methyl orange). This though would show a pH change at pH6 and would not show the end of the reaction.

The end or rate of reaction can be measured in many ways.

* It can be tested by pH changing to 7 - finds end of reaction.

* Reacting the end products with something (i.e. washing up liquid and measuring the height of the foam. it with something - finds rate of reaction.

* Measuring the end products - finds rate of reaction.

The experiment where the oxygen pushes the water up the tube is the most accurate

a gas syringe is easier to read the results of but because the volume is much larger the change is almost unnoticeable in reactions that do not produce much oxygen. This experiment could be adapted to suit this investigation.

The easiest way to do the experiment is to have a certain time and record either the H2O or O2 given off by the reaction in that time. Oxygen can either be contained in a gas syringe or used with the pressure to push the water up the tube. Then measurements could be taken of this distance. The higher the substrate concentration therefore, the further the water should rise in a set time until the V max where the graph and the results should level off.

PREDICTION - Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up reactions without changing. Each enzyme has an active site. Every enzyme catalyses its own specific reaction. Many things change the rate at which the reaction goes.
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When the substrate joins with an enzyme an enzyme-substrate complex is formed.

An enzyme is a globular protein made up of many amino acids. These have R groups that interact with the substrate, the substrate is broken down and leaves the active site. The enzyme is unchanged and ready to form more enzyme-substrate complexes with available substrate. An enzyme can also bind together two products.

Usually energy is needed to start a reaction, enzymes reduce the amount needed and are therefore very useful in industry. Also, because they are reusable they are very cheap.

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