Find out the concentration of sucrose solution that is equivalent to the osmotic potential of Potato tuber cells.

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Osmosis Investigation

By Christopher Stylianou


   The aim is to find out the concentration of sucrose solution that is equivalent to the osmotic potential of Potato tuber cells.


   All the independent variables, which could affect the investigation of Osmosis, are:

  • Mass- By changing the size of the cell could change the amount Osmosis occurring.
  • Concentration of Solution- By changing the concentration of the solution surrounding the cell could change the amount of Osmosis occurring.
  • Temperature- By changing the temperature of the solution or cell could change the amount of Osmosis occurring.
  • Size- By changing the surface area of the cell could change the amount of Osmosis occurring.


   I have decided with the research I have below to investigate the Concentration of the Sucrose Solution independent variable. This is because I can use a scale of 10 different solutions. E.g.: - 1 Molar of Sucrose Solution to Water or 0 Molar of Sucrose Solution to Water. Then I can work out how much each cell has gained or lost by weighing them and then see which is the nearest Potato tuber cell not to change it’s concentration from the beginning will be the right concentration of sucrose solution to equal the concentration inside the Potato tuber cell.


  • Definition of Osmosis: - Osmosis is the passage of water from a place of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a place of low water concentration.

  • Definition of semi-permeable membrane: - A Semi-permeable membrane is a very thin layer of cell membrane that is semi-permeable. This means it allows some things to pass through them but stops or prevents other things from passing through. Examples of the things they will allow to pass through are small molecules like Oxygen, Water, Carbon Dioxide, Ammonia, Glucose (Sugar) and Amino acids. They won’t let through larger molecules like Sucrose, Starch and Protein.

  • If there is a higher concentration of water surrounding the plant or animal cell and a lower concentration of water in the cell, then the cell will swell up and gain weight because the flow of water going into the cell is more than the flow of water leaving the cell.

  • If there is a lower concentration of water surrounding the planet or animal cell and a higher concentration of water in the cell, then the cell will shrink and lose weight. This is because the flow of water into the cell is less great than the flow of water leaving the cell.
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  • If the concentration of the cell and the surroundings are equal, then the cell will neither lose or gain weight and shrivel or swell.
  • If a plant cell takes in water by osmosis, it becomes Turgid. This means that the cell is swollen and hard. It doesn’t burst because it has a strong cell wall, which holds the cell together. If the plant cell loses water by osmosis, it becomes Flaccid. This is when the cells shrivel up and pull away from the cell wall. Another term for this is Plasmolysed.

  • If an animal cell takes ...

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