Genetic Engineering.

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Microbiology                Claire McNeill        


Genetic Engineering

During cell division the chromatin of the nucleus condenses to form chromosomes. Chromosomes consist of DNA and contain genes.

A gene is a portion of DNA that codes for the production of a protein.

All genes carried out in the nucleus constitute the genotype. The actual individual that develops the physical appearance is known as the phenotype.

There are two related by the equation;

Phenotype = genotype + environment


In DNA the bases are A,C G and T. DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides joined in the middle. The base A pairs with T and C pairs with G.


A special enzyme called RNA polymerase attaches to the DNA molecule at the ‘’start’’ sequence. This causes the strand to unwind. They move along the DNA molecule and nucleotides complementary.

The DNA are linked in to form a growing mRNA molecule. At the ‘’stop’’ sequence the enzyme becomes detached and the mRNA molecule passes to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores.


When the mRNA reaches the cytoplasm the two sub – units of the ribosome attach to it.

2 mRNA codons are exposed and complementary transfer RNA binds in place.

They are held until the peptide bond is formed to link the amino acids together.

The ribosome moves along the mRNA to the next codon when the process is repeated.

DNA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > mRNA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > Protein

Transcript                                        Translation

To isolate a gene basic tool are required:

  • Restriction enzymes

In 1970 it was discovered that the resistance of certain bacteria between viruses was due to a group of enzymes that chop up DNA into smaller pieces.

Unlike ordinary digestive enzymes they always cut at the same specific sites with one in particular, ECO R1. ECO R1 produces staggered cuts the so - called ‘sticky ends’.

  • Plasmids or Vectors

Bacteria normally have a single double stranded circular DNA chromosome. They also have small circular DNA sections outside the chromosome called Plasmids. These are passed from one bacterium to another and can be responsible for conferring resistance to antibodies and after such properties.

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When restriction enzymes cut up the DNA into fragments PLASMIDS are often used to combine with the fragments and then the recombinant DNA molecule can act   as a vector carrying the DNA into the bacterium – an added advantage is the presence of genetic markers such as antibiotic – resistance genes that can be used for selection.

  • DNA Ligase

If the vector DNA and the target DNA are cut using the same restriction enzyme then their ‘ sticky ends’ will be complementary as a result they will tend to pair off.

The phosphate sugar back ...

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