Investigate the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction.

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Biology Coursework- ENZYMES

AIM: To investigate the effect of enzyme concentration on the rate of reaction.


An enzyme is a biological catalyst. They speed up the rate of a reaction however they do not affected themselves whilst doing this, which is why they are catalysts. Enzymes are made to be specific, this means that they can have only one substrate that they will work on. Each enzyme has an active site that is where their own specific substrate’s molecule will fit into.


However, having equal amounts of enzyme and substrate concentration still I think would not react as fast as it would if there was a higher concentration of enzymes, as each and every substrate molecule must react with an active site. Being equal amounts of each, until the substrate does not react with enzyme the reaction would not be complete and there would be a lower chance of a successful collision with an active site that is available.



  1. Set up the equipment/apparatus required.
  2. Set the water bath on a temperature of about 35oC – 45oC
  3. Measure out 1ml of Amylase concentration (use a measuring cylinder or pipette)
  4. Pour the Amylase into a boiling tube
  5. Measure out 5ml of Starch (use a measuring cylinder or pipette)
  6. Add one or two drops of iodine indicator into the boiling tube containing Starch
  7. Place the boiling tube containing Starch and Iodine indicator into the beaker containing water at a temperature between 35oC – 45oC
  8. Add the 1ml of Amylase concentration to the boiling tube containing Starch and Iodine and start the stopwatch straight after.
  9. When the mixture of Starch and Amylase containing Iodine indicator turns colourless, stop the stopwatch and record your results (time taken for reaction to complete).
  10. Repeat the experiment using different concentrations in the same method as above and record these results on the table of results. The concentrations I am hoping to use are 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1%.
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SAFETY: To ensure safety during the experiment, safety precautions must be met which include:

  • Tying long hair backwards
  • Wearing safety goggles or glasses to protect chemicals such as iodine in this case from going in the eyes.
  • Iodine is an irritant.
  • Standing up and making sure nothing is in the way such as bags and coats/jackets.
  • Make sure the equipment require is only on the work surface to prevent accidents.
  • Keeping breakable equipment such as boiling tubes away from the edge of the table or work surface.



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