Effect of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction

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Title                : Effect of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction

Objective        : To investigate the effect of enzyme concentration on rate of reaction

Introduction  :


        A catalyst is a substance which speeds up the rate of reaction without changing the product and  is left unchanged at the end of the reaction. An enzyme is a biological catalyst that catalyses metabolic reactions in your body such as digestion and respiration. At any time, many reactions are occurring simultaneously in our bodies. There are two types of reaction that is the anabolic reaction and the catabolic reaction. An anabolic reaction is a reaction that results in the formation of a substance from two or more substrate molecules while a catabolic reaction is a reaction that involves the breakdown of a substance into two or more product molecules. A combination of biochemical reactions like these are known as metabolism.. Enzyme action can be intracellular that is within cells or extracellular that is outside cells. Extracellular enzymes such as digestive enzymes are effective in the digestive tract while intracellular enzymes are found in the cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts in cells.

        Enzymes are complex proteins which have are made of several polypeptide chains joined together. Enzymes have a tertiary or quaternary structure which is held together by bonds such as hydrogen bonds, disulphide bridges, ionic bonds and hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions to form a 3D shape which is very precise. The polypeptide chains in the enzyme molecule fold to form a cleft which is known as the active site.  As a result of the precise 3D structure of the enzyme, the active site has a distinctive shape. Enzymes are very specific and usually only catalyse one reaction. This is because only one substrate will fit into the active site. The shape of the active site is determined by the 3D structure of the enzyme as aforementioned. The 3D structure is dependant the bonds in the protein molecule that are affected by the enzyme’s primary structure.

Enzyme work by lowering the activation energy required for a certain reaction to take place. Activation energy is the minimum energy that must be supplied (usually in the form of heat) to chemicals before a reaction can take place.

Image 1: Enzyme lowers the activation energy needed for a reaction to take place

The basic mechanism of an enzyme is that the substrate molecules bind to the enzyme to form an enzyme-substrate complex. The enzyme then catalyses the conversion of substrate into product(s) which depart from the active site. The enzyme molecule is then free to bind with more substrate molecules. For anabolic reactions, this is achieved by holding the substrate molecules closely together in a enzyme-substrate complex, reducing any repulsion between the molecules so that they can be joined more easily. For catabolic reaction, fitting into the active site puts a strain on bonds in the substrate, so the substrate molecules break more easily.


Image 2: Mechanism of enzyme activity

There are two models that can be used to describe the mechanism of enzyme activity. The first one is the ‘lock and key’ model which suggests that the active site is rigid and is a perfect fit with the substrate molecule just as how the key would fit a lock. However, this theory is thought to be a simplification of the mechanism and the ‘induced-fit’ model was introduced. In the induced-fit hypothesis, the active site is not thought to be rigid but to be flexible and is able to change shape when the substrate molecule enters it, placing more strain on the substrate and further facilitating the reaction. The shape of the enzyme is not an exact complement of its substrate but a change known as an induced fit causing the shape of the active site to change and ‘mould around’ the substrate molecule instead.

Image 3: Induced-fit hypothesis of enzyme

In this experiment, the enzyme used to investigate the effect of enzyme concentrations on the rate of reaction is the enzyme catalase. Catalase is a common and potent enzyme found in most living organisms which are exposed to oxygen. This enzyme with four polypeptide chains is used to catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen gas and water without the production of harmful free radicals. The substrate, hydrogen peroxide is a by product of many metabolic reaction and is harmful to cell as it is a very strong oxidising agent and thus may cause damage to the cells. Catalase is used by cells to rapidly catalyze the decomposition of harmful hydrogen peroxide into less reactive oxygen gas and water and thus, serves to protect cells from the toxic effect of hydrogen peroxide.

Image 4: 3D structure of catalase

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a very pale blue liquid which is slightly more viscous than water. The IUPAC name for hydrogen peroxide is dihydrogen dioxide and it is also known as dioxidane. It appears colourless in dilute solutions. Hydrogen peroxide is a weak acid with strong oxidising properties. It is one of the most powerful oxidizing agents known and is even stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide and potassium manganese when compared to in the aspect of oxidizing strength. The oxidizing capacity of hydrogen peroxide is so strong that it is considered a highly reactive oxygen species. Hydrogen peroxide is a by product of many metabolic reactions as mentioned in the earlier part as it can be converted into hydroxyl radicals with reactivity only second to fluorine through catalysis. Equation showing the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalase:

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2 H2O2           2 H2O + O2

        Hydrogen peroxide makes an ideal substrate as its decomposition products that is oxygen gas and water are not harmful and can be collected easily and measured by the displacement of water.. Caution should be taken when handling with hydrogen peroxide as it is very corrosive.

Image 5: Molecular structure of hydrogen peroxide

Buffer Solution

A buffer solution is an aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base or a weak base and a conjugate acid. A buffer solution has the property ...

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Punctuation, grammar and spelling are all accurate.

The scientific explanations behind the experiment and the buffer solution are very in depth and well explained. The scientific basis behind the remainder of the experiment is very well explained but has a very chemistry like slant. To increase their grade the candidate could analyse the percentage errors that might be made by the equipment in the experiment and how to improve this. The candidate could also have investigated other factors which may affect the rate of enzymes to get an overall view of how the enzyme works.

Response to the question is done to a high scientific level. Introduction and scientific conclusions and analysis throughout the experiment are all to a significantly good level. However, the candidate could have used a broader basis for their experiment to gain a better mark.