Investigating The Factors Which Affect The Decomposition Of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)

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Claire Plumpton 11Z

Investigating The Factors Which Affect The Decomposition Of Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)


Aim:         To plan an experiment using liver, as a source of Catalase, and simple apparatus to investigate the decomposition of hydrogen Peroxide.

Hypothesis And Theory: 


        Catalase is an enzyme in the body that is specific to Hydrogen Peroxide. Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts. They are made in cells. Hydrogen Peroxide is toxic to humans and must be destroyed immediately, so that the Hydrogen Peroxide cannot harm the body. The catalase enzymes speed up the decomposing of Hydrogen Peroxide into water and Oxygen:

         Hydrogen Peroxide                        Water + Oxygen

2H2O2 (aq)                         2H2O (l) + O2 (g)

Being one of the fastest working enzymes in the body, catalase is also specific in its purpose. It is found in large quantities in the liver and kidneys, as this is where harmful toxins are removed from the body. It is also found in vegetables such as celery or potato, but more so in animals than plants.

A catalyst is a chemical substance that alters the rate of a reaction, but remains chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction. Most catalysts are used to speed up reactions, but there are a few catalysts that can be used to slow them down. These substances are called negative catalysts or inhibitors. Catalase speeds up the rate of reaction.

Enzymes are large protein molecules. Each different enzyme has its own special shape, specific to the substance it works on.

Catalase is an enzyme that is specific to hydrogen peroxide. This means that it will only break down hydrogen peroxide, and nothing else. The hydrogen peroxide is broken down into water and oxygen.

Collision Theory:

The collision theory states that particles must collide hard enough to react and that the rate of a reaction depends on how often and how hard the reacting particles collide with each other. Not all collisions will result in a reaction.

Lock and Key Hypothesis Of Enzyme Reaction:

Each (Catalase) enzyme

has an active site into

 which the substrate

molecule (Hydrogen

Peroxide) fits exactly.

 The substrate molecule

slots into the active site.

(Like a key fits into a lock.)

 The substance is split

into product molecules.

The Enzyme is unaltered,

 ready to accept another

substrate molecule.

Factors that affect the rate of reaction:

This can be altered by several factors:




●Size of Particles (Surface Area)





When the temperature is increased the Hydrogen Peroxide particles will move faster. As they are moving faster they will collide with each other more often. The particles will be colliding with more force as they are moving faster, and so are more likely to react (see collision theory above).

        Enzymes work best at 37°C. Above 45°C the enzymes begin to become denatured. The heat changes the shape of the enzyme causing the active site to become distorted, slowing down the rate of reaction, as it cannot break down the substrate molecules as quickly. The active site will eventually become so distorted that it will no longer accept any substrate molecules, and the reaction stops. Denaturing is not reversible.

        As the temperature decreases, enzyme activity decreases. This also causes a slowing in the rate of reaction. This idea is used in refrigeration, where food is kept below 4°C to keep enzyme activity at a minimum. Below -20°C enzymes don’t function at all. However, freezing the enzymes does not destroy them, and as they thaw, they will become active again. For every increase of 10°C, you should see a doubling of enzyme action, until the optimum temperature is reached.

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Graph To Show The Effects Of Temperature On Enzyme Action


The concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide is shown by the volume of oxygen that can be obtained from it, and is measured in vol’s. This is not to be confused with the normal measurement of volume, and you can have 10cm2 of 5 vol. Hydrogen Peroxide.

1 cm3 1 vol. H2O2                 1 cm3 O2

10 cm3 1 vol. H2O2                   10 cm3 O2

10 cm3 10 vol. H2O2                     100 cm3 O2


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