Speed of a Falling Object

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Speed of a Falling Object


The aim of this investigation is to find the factors affecting the rate of fall of a body through the air.

Fair Test

The variables that will need to be the same to make this a fair test are:

* The shape paper cases that are used :-

The shape of the paper case affects the air resistance acting upon it.

* The weight of the paper cases that are used :-

The weight affects the speed of fall and would therefore end up in incorrect results.


Gravity is the force which pulls objects together. It depends on the mass of both objects, an object with a large mass will have a large gravitational force compared to an object with a smaller mass which will have a smaller gravitational force. This can be shown using the moon and the Earth as the Earth has a larger mass it has larger gravitational field strength. Gravitational forces between objects decrease if they have less mass or are further apart. Gravity acts on objects and pulls them down towards the Earth.

Resistive forces act on any object moving through a fluid (i.e. a gas or a liquid). When moving through air, air resistance acts upon an object. Air resistance occurs because the object must move air particles out of the way and this will cause resistive or drag forces.
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Air resistance increases as the object is dropped and accelerates and will continue until it equals the downward force of gravity. The object will then fall at terminal velocity until it hits the ground.


I think that as the weight of the paper case increases, the time taken to fall will decrease. This is due to the fact that an object with a larger weight can push air particles out of the way easier than an object with a smaller weight, as it is falling with more velocity.


* Stand


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