Critically discuss the reasons for the relative underachievement of ethnic minority pupils in Britain

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Critically discuss the reasons for the relative underachievement of ethnic minority pupils in Britain today

There is significant evidence to show that the higher a pupils social class, the higher their level of educational achievement is likely to be.

Material depravation disadvantages certain groups that have less money than other and so are not able to make the most of their educational opportunities.  They may not have the time and space at home to do school work.  They may not be able to raise money for educational trips; and they may not have access to educational materials such as books, computers and the internet.  They may experience ill health, have to work part-time to support their studies, or have to car for younger siblings.  As most ethnic minorities tend to be working-class, these material disadvantages translate into educational disadvantages in the same way as for the working class.  Governments have attempted to reduce the material disadvantages faced by working class pupils through positive discrimination which takes form by compensatory education.  The conservative government in the 1990s allocated more money to the poorer areas and introduced ‘Educational action zones’ by the Labour government.

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The education system is mostly controlled by white middle-class people.  Those who share these characteristics may well be viewed more positively and be more likely to succeed in the best and exams created to assess their abilities.  The 11+ was criticised for middle-class bias as questions, such as being able to unscramble an anagram to form the word ‘Mozart.’  It is much easier for a middle class child who is familiar with such classical composer’s, classical music and operatic music often in association with the middle classes.  Many working class and ethnic minority children may feel under-valued and demotivated by ...

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