Multiculturalism. Thesis Statement: Is the concept of multiculturalism a wise choice in modern day society?

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By, Joshua Bailey


Thesis Statement: Is the concept of multiculturalism a wise choice in modern day society?

  1. Introduction

A. What is multiculturalism?

        1. Multiculturalism Definition

        2. Secondary Definition

        3. My own interpretation of Multiculturalism

B. Thesis Statement

  1. Multiculturalism in Business

A. How does multicultural apply to the business world?

  1. How it affect workers.

B. What is outsourcing?

  1. Multiculturalism In Media

A. How are different races portrayed in modern media?

B. What stereotypes of races can be found in television shows?

C. How has some of these stereotypes affect our views on different people from different ethnic backgrounds?

  1. The Different Races

A. What were thought of as the four basic races?

B. Has the views on these races change over the past few years?

  1. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis statement

B. Give views on multiculturalism



        Multiculturalism? What does it really mean? To some it is a long frequently misleading word, but what does it mean? Does it mean the combination of all cultures to form one that is meant to be the best of all? Or does it mean a world where all cultures thrive equally well and each is respected? Oddly enough, neither is often true. The true meaning of the word is not in its intentional use. But in the real world application of it. I personally believe multiculturalism is a good idea. It provides a wealth of cultural activities, foods, and also gives us other culture’s different views of life.


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        The first thing that someone may wish to know is what multiculturalism is exactly. According to Webster’s Dictionary multiculturalism in a nutshell means of, relating to, reflecting, or adapted to diverse cultures. I don’t know about other people but that type of definition is a little complicated for someone to take in at one time. So I tried to see if I could find another one. So I took at look at the definition provided by, and their website says that multiculturalism is the conservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a united society, as a state or ...

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