To what extent is crime based on morality?

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To what extent is crime based on morality?

Lord Justice Denning wrote that, "Ever since the time of Henry I, in order that an act should be punishable, it must be morally blameworthy. It must be a sin."

The definition of a sin is a comparatively clear one, and since St Thomas Aquinas, has been regarded as any act against Gods law, and because of the very close association between political structures and religious doctrines, law and morals have had a close relationship. But this is not the end of the argument. How germane is the relationship between crime and our oldest and most orthodox source of morality?

We hold property to be very important in our society, not only the acquisition of it, but also the keeping of it once acquired. But in the book of Mathew chapter 19 verse 24, we are tolled that it is "easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

So putting judgements aside for a moment, what sort of rules are criminal rules. Some rules require that we do something, others that we do not do a particular thing. Criminal laws are predominantly the 'do not´ type. Negative rules in that they prohibit certain activities because they offend certain dominant values within a group, or because they are simply an affront to basic social existence. But how 'dominant´ must the value be, before it is 'wrong´ to go against it. With so many conflicting moralities in our various cultures, which of them when transgressed leads to sanctions. Rape is bad and is a crime, but adultery is also bad, and in the eyes of certain religious groups a worse transgression, but it is not a crime. Society´s attitudes to specific areas of crime demonstrate that we are a collective morality, more diverging than converging to any conclusion.

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The laws on abortion are a fine example, there is a moral component, a medical component and a 'citizens´ component. Each group has in their eyes a valid case to hammer home, but as Pym said, 'The loudest voice gets the best hearing´. Perhaps this is a poor example of a crime, and its link to morality as society´s attitudes have changed over the last fifteen years on the issue of 'a right to choose´.

But what of society´s moral opinion of Euthanasia or the great Cannabis debate. Does the crime always meet the public judgement of crime? ...

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