Leadership Direction - discuss briefly the trends and predictions, comparing one to the other, of three interesting management articles.

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Leadership Direction

In this paper I discuss briefly the trends and predictions, comparing one to the other, of three interesting management articles. The organisational structures today are changing to cater for trends that have developed in the last century related to the way we deal with information and communications. The management teachings currently available deliver certain insights and benefits to today’s managers, there is however more questions that need to be asked in order to cater for the future.

1. Identify the key trends and predictions made by Drucker in his 1988 article. From your experience, is business management in 2004 becoming much like Drucker predicted.

Drucker predicted a shift in organisations from a command and control structure to a structure that is information-based. Where the managers of the future will not need to have the specialist knowledge required by the employees in their department, but they would instead require a more general knowledge of the processes required to manage the operation. While maintaining the focus on goals and strategic direction rather than the now much automated and centralised operational management.

The knowledge over the last centuries has shifted from the top executive and director layers through the middle management levels and down to the employees who will be specialists in their respective areas. Drucker predicted that the organisational structure of large companies and businesses would reshape from the traditional hierarchy and be replaced with a flatter organisation, reducing a number of the middle operationally transparent layers of management. The reduction in the middle layers of management will be achieved by the centralisation of core administrative functions important in each organisation such as human relations, business accounting, public relations and legal departments. The work force will become task orientated and specialised to perform certain functions.

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Druckers continues to note critical issues that he sees will need to be addressed notably the career progression of specialists as they will need new paths to aspire too if the route to available management positions is reduced. Coordinating and unifying heady specialists to conform to a singular corporate vision and goals. Changing and developing task forces that will utilise the specialists and the change management that will result of this. The last critical issue will be the procurement and training programs required to deliver the senior management into the top positions which have till now been filled by working ...

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