Types of research - Market research is the collection of information or data to better understand what is happening in the market place.

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Types of research

Market research is the collection of information or data to better understand what is happening in the market place. A firm's marketing department needs to know about economic trends, as well as consumers' views. Based on this information, they can put together a marketing plan, which will meet their own needs as well as those of their consumers.

There are two general types of research:

* Primary or field research

* Secondary or desk research

Primary or field research

Obtaining new data for a specific purpose. The marketing department of a firm or a specialist research organisation can provide this. Typically, the data is gathered by face-to-face interviews, by telephone or by post, using questionnaires. This is called a survey. Sometimes potential consumers are asked to test products, and their responses are recorded.

Field research has the advantage that the firm itself has control over the whole process. The disadvantages are that it takes longer, and costs more.

Secondary or desk research

This is the use of existing data that has already been collected. It can be anything from a company's own sales statistics to Department of Trade and Industry reports. Other secondary sources of information include journals, company reports, government statistics, and surveys published by research organisations.

The research process

Marketing departments need to have information so they can get their marketing mix right. For example, they will want to know what similar products already exist and how much they cost. They will also want to know whether consumers will want to buy their new product, and what they think about it. The process for doing this is as follows:

. Identify a problem

2. Set objectives

3. Gather data

4. Analyse data


Data Information

Desk research Gathering secondary or existing data

Field research Gathering primary or new data

Sample group The group of people being questioned

Trends Shared views or behaviour.

What is Desk research

Desk research is getting data from existing secondary sources, such as journals and reports. Field research is finding out new information about your consumer's needs. This could be through a survey using questionnaires, or getting them to try out your products and recording their opinions.
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The marketing process

A firm will gather information about the marketplace (e.g. whether house prices are rising or falling), and then research consumers' needs. From this, it will identify who its market is, and then put together a marketing plan based on the findings. The marketing mix will be central to this, and finding the right balance in each of the 4Ps is very important. The firm can then review and adapt their plan when they need to. You should remember the following points:

* Although marketing is consumer-orientated, the main aim is still to ...

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