What do these first four books do? Why doesn't Odysseus show up till later? Who talks about him and what do they say?

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Sarah Bartle Schulweis

English 3

Odyssey Topic Question

What do these first four books do? Why doesn’t Odysseus show up till later? Who talks about him and what do they say?  

        The first four books are like an introduction to the rest of the book. Each person encountered and each situation explains further about Odysseus’ personality. The entire book is about his adventures. During these first few chapters we get to experience Odysseus from other people’s points of view. Before we get to his adventures we learn about who he is. We can get to know him through his son, his wife, his homeland, his friends who knew him in battle, and the gods who like or dislike him.

        In Book I, we see Athena and her kindness towards Odysseus through her visiting Telemachos and making sure that Odysseus gets home safely. Athena visits Telemachos as a traveler/friend of the family and his him strength and permission to use his power over the household and the suitors that are taking advantage of him. This is Athena not only helping Telemachos, but also Odysseus’ home.

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        In Book II, Telemachos calls for a meeting. This shows his power over everyone, and his great strength. The resemblances that he holds of his father are first mentioned here. During this meeting he sets up a mission to find out if his father is alive. This chapter mentions a situation that Penelope is in. She promised the suitors that once she finished weaving a blanket that she would be ready to marry again. But every night she would go t her room and unravel the blanket so that she would not have to betray her husband. The suitors did ...

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