Assessment analysing + commentary

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GCSE Drama Coursework – Monday 14th July

On Monday 14th July, during the course of our first examination session, we explored different perspectives of gender. As a warm up, several diverse occupations were listed to us whilst we created an individual freeze frame (within a time limit of five seconds) expressing the posture and facial expressions we thought a typical employee of that particular job would hold. Some of these professions included a ballerina, hairdresser, nurse, lorry driver and a builder. For a ballerina, I created a frame of a female with a smart posture, posing the Demi Plie (a ballet stance). I ensured that my facial expression corresponded to the confidence and elegance that I aimed to be perceived. Opposing this posture was classically a lorry driver. I held broad yet hunched shoulders, with a sitting stance and facial expressions that were stern and stiff, which emitted a sense of boredom.

We were able to conclude that the majority of us posed in a similar way for particular professions during the course of the warm up, we were also able to safely say that for the ballerina, hairdresser and nurse we portrayed females, and for the lorry driver and builder we represented males. This was a stereotypical way of approaching the task in groups we made 4 different freeze frames, two of which were to show a female in a stereotypical male occupation and vice versa. We chose a male to be working in a crèche, a male to be a mid wife, a female to be a mechanic and a female to be a miner.

This exercise enabled us to see that over time, society has accepted a woman working e.g. it is not bizarre to have a female mechanic; a female mechanic would have been frowned upon 100 years ago. We also discovered that different types of jobs earned a certain amount of respect and most importantly power. Our next task was to get into pairs and create two different scenes, one from the past with a female wishing to gain a job that was not considered ‘appropriate’ a hundred years ago, the other scene is to show a male from the future working as something which is not seen as ‘typical’.

For the first part, my partner acted out a girl in her late teens who slowly broke it down to her mother that she wished to pursue a career, her mother (me), understood and suggested that she became a babysitter or a teacher, however her daughter had other plans in mind, she wished to ‘make a change in society’, she wished to become prime minister. Her mother immediately replied with ‘what will the neighbours think’, showing that reputation and power had a major impact a hundred years ago, a mother from today would not react the same, instead she would be proud of her daughter. The scene ended with the mother saying ‘discuss it with your father’, this displayed the power the man had within the household, and she insinuated that she was too weak to deal with this situation.

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For the second part of the task, we chose to play a housewife and a male playing a doctor specialising in breast cancer. My partner played the house wife who was worried that her friends would think her husband is not receiving enough ‘action’ from her, therefore felt the need to ‘touch up’ breasts as a career. The doctor (me) insisted that he generally showed an interest in breast cancer and that this was the job for him. He also treated his wife with little respect, e.g. as soon as he walked in, he demanded for his dinner; however ...

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