Blood Brothers Hot Seating

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Hot Seating

After the thought tunnel exercise, as a class we decided that a hot seating exercise would be beneficial to our war workshop in general, of which I played a conscientious objecta in the hot seating exercise. Hot-Seating is when you are asked a variety of questions and you have to answer in role. In my opinion, this technique is vitally important in drama because it essentially helps you to develop and empathise with the character you are playing, and is useful to know characters background and what type of person he/she is, which consequently helps strengthen and improve our work, because we will know more about our character. Above all, by hot seating, we discovered the various reasons as to why some people objected to war. Another point to make clear, is that I was chosen to play this role at random from volunteers. Moreover, the stimulus for our hot seating, was ‘No Man’s Land’ by Paul Swift which focused on a character whom was a conscientious objecta named Percy Garland.

       When the class Hot-seated me, we found out a lot of information about the character. Naturally, little things such as "How old are you?" and “What is your name?” helped minorly, however, it is clear that the more open questions led to a relatively more focused discussion and therefore a lot of the information provided by hot seating could benefit and help develop our drama. Furthermore, the hot seating exercise guided us with our role play’s, for instance, if in our role play’s we wanted to include a conscientious objecta, we could build upon the information given during the hot seating and moreover, develop the plot and characters.

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        For example, somebody asked me "What are your reasons for objecting to war?" and my reply was “It‘s because I don‘t agree with war, there is no good outcome from it, and I dislike the government" , we could produce a role play based on a conscientious objecta who‘s beliefs are similar to what I described; This is just a typical example of how Hot-seating helps. Supplementary to this, the questions I found more difficult to answer straight away were the ones that challenged my views and I found myself a lot of time contradicting what ...

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