Our improvisation was based on many different scenarios that have been in the newspaper and on television.

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Our improvisation was based on many different scenarios that have been in the newspaper and on television.

We had all heard of many stories of previously “poor” families or individuals winning the lottery and becoming wealthy. One story that part of our drama was based on was of a middle-aged man who after winning the lottery, had become an alcoholic and  proceeded to drink himself to death. This was a classic case of “money doesn’t create happiness”. All the members of my group thought that this was a good idea, and we wanted to do this as our performance.

We decided to make our improvisation into a 2-part theme from an idea given to us by our teacher.

Today’s society still believes that “grass is greener on the other side” and my group decided, that it would provide and good contrast if we could have one “Rich” family who becomes poor and one “Poor” family who becomes rich.

The idea of the “Rich” family was immediately backed up by many stories of bankruptcy in the media. One particular story line in the soap “Eastenders” where a local businessman loses everything contributed to our plot immensely.

Every member of the group liked this idea and we decided that our performance would follow the progress of the two families as they switched places.


Our performance starts off with a stereotypical “Rich” family eating breakfast. They are typically “Upper-class” and this is noticeable by the way they all use received pronunciation.

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The audience will automatically take a dislike to this family. They show no affection to each other and the mother and father are particularly hostile to their three children, as they are to each other.  We also notice, in this introduction to the family, that money is no object to them. The way the daughter asks for her fathers credit card to buy some new clothes shows this.

The introduction to the “Poor” family is very contrasting to the way that the family treats each other, but the setting is quite similar. The family is eating lunch and this family ...

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