A Wound From The Past.

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Ayman Zangariya

I.D.#: 0 2997205 6

To: Helen Paloge-Isenberg

Style & Composition A

Assignment NO. 3

A Wound From The Past

People's life and personality are affected by their relationship with parents. This effect can be positive or negative. Negative effect could leave psychological wounds in human's soul. Physical wounds can heal by time leaving no scars, where psychological ones could never heal and leave scar forever. "Spilt Wine," by Mekya McBee, is a story about a woman who has just lost her husband. After her husband's death, she is living alone in their house. Although it could seem odd, she is enjoying living alone in her empty house. This woman is "surrounded" with a friend called Bith. Bith is trying to help her getting through the crisis of the death of the woman's husband. Through reading "Split Wine" we are able to apprehend the protagonist's miserable life. The heroine of "Spilt Wine" has a bad luck with men. Her flashbacks reveal the bad relationship she has with her father. Furthermore, the protagonist tries to steer clear of men trying to get closer to her. These two facts clarify why the protagonist desires to be alone in her house. The bad experience she had with men left her with an unhealed wound and fear of getting hurt again.
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The protagonist's relationship with her father affected enormously, but in an unconstructive way. One the most beautiful metaphor in this story is when her father pushed her with the swing set. This metaphor could imply to the father pushing her to do things she is not willing to do.

"When she was a child she / had broken her arm on the swingset. Her father pushed her so high; she / called for him to stop but he must not have heard her for he pushed / again. Her small, frightened body shuddered and slipped?she landed on ...

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