All people have a right to their own opinions but not the right to force them upon others

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‘All people have a right to their own opinions but not the right to force them upon others.’ Do you agree or disagree?

Rachana. R

10 – C

We can safety assume that each individual person has different opinions on different things. An opinion is a point of view, a belief, judgment or attitude. It therefore means that an opinion is not always a truth or fact. A lot of people’s opinions are based largely on their way of life, thinking abilities and morals. Human beings filter every thought or idea by their personal history, beliefs, motivations and concepts that they hold true to their heart.

But many a times, a person or a group thinks that their opinion is right, and the only right one. Due to this they feel compelled to get everyone else to agree with them. They start running around, forcing their views and opinions onto others, forcing them to join their faction of thought. But I strongly believe that all people have a right to their own opinions but not the right to force them upon others. They imagine a situation and instead of leaving it up to individuals to decide on their action, they want to legislate to force what they see as the right option on other people, thereby depriving others of their freedom of thought.

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It is natural for humans to have contradicting opinions but it is completely unjustifiable on their part to solve this contradiction by forcing opinions. When opinions are forced upon, some people might simply accept it, during the process of which they lose their identity, while others might retaliate. I think that a great many wars and tribulations of people could be avoided if we showed more respect for each other and our individual beliefs.

It seems like we have lost the ability to respectfully disagree. This is occurring on the national and state level as evidenced by the increasingly partisan ...

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The argument is cogently made, though overstated in one or two instances, and follows logical steps that are hard to refute. The lexical range used is well up to the task and sentence and paragraph structure are excellent, marred by only a few minor errors. 5 stars