Arthur Millers The Crucible.

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Arthur Miller demonstrates the familiarities of the life he lived in the 1950’s and of everyday life we live in through his plays. He communicates through his work to the way people are in society.

The extreme witch hysteria deteriorated the rational and emotional stability of its citizens. This exploited the population’s weakest qualities, and insecurities. The obvious breakdown in social order led to the tragedy that saw innocent souls hang on the accusation of witchcraft.

Miller’s way of writing plays which relate to our lives and the way in which we do things and treat one another is very interesting. He seems to see the world a different way to most people and expresses our everyday actions and the things we do wrong in another form.

The audience should see parallels in the play to happenings in our every day life.

The Crucible was written in the middle of the McCarthy political “witch-hunt” in America. The play relates to the fears in America that the philosophy of communism was spreading there and would eventually undermine and destroy capitalism and the American way of life. Almost any criticism the government received, in the eyes of McCarthy was not acceptable. A petition for communist sympathisers was set up in which Miller signed. He was asked to confess to signing his name. He quoted:

“In truth, I had supported these various causes to express my fear of fascism and my alienation from the waste of potential in America while knowing nothing about life under any socialist regime”

The activities seemed to have been linked in Millers mind with witchcraft trials two centuries ago. Miller saw these public confessions as parallels with the naming at Salem in 1962. Similar communist outbursts happened over two hundred years ago.



The Crucible includes many personalities including the selfishness of John Proctor and the conjuring evilness of servant Abigail Williams which all relates to the personalities of people Miller must have experienced during his lifetime. All Millers work is symbolic of other conflicts of conscience taking place in our very own society. Millers earlier work such as- “The Death of a Salesman” - uses similar social criticism and all his work relates to our living environment in which we are all a part of.

Set against the background of the Salem witch trials of 1692, the play centers on the story of John Proctor, a local farmer. The dilemma of whether to save his own life or follow the dictates of his own conscience. The basic plot of the crucible surrounds the facts of John’s adultery with his family’s seventeen-year-old servant Abigail Williams. John’s wife, Elizabeth Proctor, who has been “cold” towards him after John, was tempted into sleeping with young Abigail. Elizabeth dismissed Abigail and the Proctor family kept the reason a secret, as it would ruin John’s reputation in the community. Abigail Williams and some girls of Salem were caught dancing in the woods of Salem and were accused of witchcraft. The council prosecutors arrange trials to condemn and prosecute witches and Reverend Hale; brought to find the backbone of the witchcraft among the villagers and to provide the council of Salem with an opinion.

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The characters of The Crucible change vastly throughout the piece. Central figure John Proctor is not an idealized hero, known to be a blunt, stubborn man, given to speaking his mind. He stalled at the chance to save many condemned in order to save his own name. It is interesting that Miller uses a man like Proctor as a central figure. Proctor was thought of highly in his village but was no means a rich, extravagant member of his society. Miller believed that tragedy was not confined to the rich and important, but that the story of an ordinary ...

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