Blessing, English GCSE coursework, creative writing, Short story

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Have you ever wondered what life is like in rock bottom? I’ll tell you; you’re walking a tight rope without a circus net, with God trying to push you off every moment. On the border line of death, the sole motivation is a glance of brightness towards the end of the tunnel however there is no opening never mind ending. We’re jammed, going nowhere, stuck in eternal darkness.

When we’re cold, cheerless and crying there’s merely family to comfort us. We have families too calm us, my child’s ‘clothes’ are worn to shreds; her clothes are last year’s newspapers.

Forget minimum wage I’m sick of jobs which I work all my energy for jobs which don’t pay gold. Scavenger is the title of my job. I’ve lived half my life now I wish to turn away, degrade.

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Can’t recall my stomach; picture a desert inside your mouth, forever echoing the words, “water”. Meanwhile others fool around with water, we fight over it. Water is inevitable in life, in our microcosm world, water is rarely obtainable. If we can’t acquire water we depart this life. It’s every man for him in this ill-fated separate world of ours. We steal, slaughter and shut ourselves down for our families. So go ahead and waste your water away while we die for it. While we slice friend’s throats, steal from friends, just throw our gold away.

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