Both John Thomas and Tony Kytes are daring characters who try to manipulate the women around them. Yet in the end both are weaker than the women in each story. Compare the male and female characters in these stories and discuss whether or not you agree wi

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Comparison CWK                6/01/02

Both John Thomas and Tony Kytes are daring characters who try to manipulate the women around them. Yet in the end both are weaker than the women in each story. Compare the male and female characters in these stories and discuss whether or not you agree with this statement.

In Tickets Please by DH Lawrence and Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver by Thomas Hardy we are faced by two men who have the power to manipulate women to get what they want from them. Both John Thomas and Tony Kytes initially seem to be manipulative. In a sharp role reversal the women are able to gain control of the situation, however they lose this at the end of the stories to the men. Many factors such as the time period in which the stories were written in and the writer’s point of view cause an unexpected ending to the stories. In this essay I will be discussing how the men and women interact with each other during the story and how their various characters affects the outcome of the ending.  

Tony Kytes is described as a good looking man and because of this he is “quite the women’s favorite.” Tony uses his good looks to gain the attention of three women, Milly his fiancée, Unity and Hannah. He is boyish and handsome and held respect in the rural area he is living. All these attributes allowed women to be manipulated. His good looks make him an eligible bachelor in Wessex. Although he has an irreverent manner he is still liked very much by women, “he loved ‘em in shoals.” This acronym of Wessex dialect spoken by the narrator creates an informal atmosphere and makes it intimate. Throughout the story there is a sense of male sympathy for Tony as this maybe due to the narrator being male

To further add to his good looks, Tony Kytes is also very flirtatious. This flirtatious manner allows him to be caught in the difficult situation where three of his possible wives meet and discuss how Tony has been flirting with and manipulating all of them. This flirtatious manner is seen when he comments he did not know Unity “was so pretty before.” He starts warming towards Unity even though he is to be married to Milly. Although he is to marry it is clear that he is not properly “settled down”. Allowing both Hannah and Unity onto his carriage and flirting with them shows this. Here he is keeping his options open.

Tony Kytes is also polite and respectful and he addresses them using endearments such as ‘darling’ ‘coming wife’ and ‘dear Hannah’. He doesn’t want to consciously hurt them whereas John Thomas is consciously hurting them as he has a more abrupt manner. Tony Kytes would have been brought up to be respectful to women - we know he doesn’t like to humiliate the women, Tony Kytes lies to spare the feelings of the woman. For example he says to Hannah he is whispering because he has a 'kind of hoarseness' when the real reason for his whispering is that he has Milly and Unity hiding in the back of the wagon. He doesn't want them to hear the endearments he is using towards Hannah. With this said this is also an example of his deceit and constant lying.

Tony Kytes is also very manipulative and he uses this to court three women at the same time. He is a quick-thinker and this combined with his manipulative manner help him out of a number of difficult situations. An example is when he easily persuades his fiancée, Milly to hide in the cart as to “prevent angry passions rising.” that maybe caused if her and Hannah were to meet. Tony Kytes easily manipulates the women and uses emotional blackmail to help himself. For example when he realises there is an opportunity that he could get together with Unity, he tells her that “tisn’t true that it is all settled between her and me”. This type of manipulation of the women is what is inbred in Tony Kytes. It seems Tony may have been in these types of situations before. To be able to put three women on the same cart and for them not to realise is an amazing feat. To act so calmly when faced by an apparent serious dilemma leads us to believe that he may have been in a similar situation.

Tony Kytes is also seen as very foolish. Although having three women on the same cart is an amazing feat, it is also a recipe for disaster. The confidence he has at the beginning of the cart ride and control of the situation slowly diminishes as the cart ride continues. By the end he has lost total control of the situation and all the women are crying and arguing with each other. His foolishness allows him to manipulate and lie to all three women and causes him to be in the tricky situation where all three women are together and see him for the manipulative man he is.

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Tony Kytes is deceitful and lies to all the women he apparently loves with no remorse. He tells them all lies if they would help him. He tells Hannah that he has “not exactly” settled marriage with Milly. This is a straight lie and only says it because he realises if he does he may get the opportunity to marry Hannah. Tony also tells Milly that if Hannah saw her she would be angry because she is “prettier than her” and he is “rather afeard of her temper.” This again is a total lie and shows the lengths that ...

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