Compare the opening scenes in Brooks' film with the opening pages of Golding's novel "The Lord of the Flies".

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Lord of the Flies – Media Assignment

Compare the opening scenes in Brooks’ film with the opening pages of Golding’s novel “The Lord of the Flies”.

William Golding was born in the September of 1911 in Cornwall, England. He grew up in a life of luxury and he discovered very early on his life that he was very talented at his school studies. He attended the colleges of Malboro and Oxford, where he studied both natural science and English. Golding eventually decided that he wanted to devote his life to literature, where he became one of the most famous English novelists ever. Golding won many awards for his contribution to English and the world of literature. He was finally awarded the Nobel Prize for his literary merits in 1983. Although Golding had many other interests such as Greek literature, music and history, he will be remembered greatly for his contributions to modern literature.

During the Second World War, Golding had to enlist in the Navy; it was here that he lost the idea that there was any good in humans. He witnessed the evil of the war, from both the enemies and his own fellow soldiers and he developed the viewpoint that there was no innocence in humans. What he found out from his war experience led him to write his award-winning novel The Lord of the Flies, where he portrays his beliefs that even children are inherently evil.

In my essay I am going to compare the start of Golding’s book to the first few scenes of a video version of The Lord of the Flies directed by Brook. Brook’s film started off with still pictures and sound. The start of Brooks’ film is very controversial. It is very well thought and the reaction of the audience depends on the way each person thinks.  The film brings the novel to life which Golding finds very hard to do. Golding talks about the boys in a general aspect, he uses the boys to represent humanity on the whole whereas Brook brings the novel down to earth and shows the boys belonging to a ‘civilised’ society, using the still pictures to show that they are actual boys belonging to the earth, not just fictional characters. The pictures are there to fill in the gaps that Golding left out of his book.

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The start of the film shows the audience what happens before the boys land on the island. This is not only useful for people watching the film for the first time but also for the people who have read the book  and are curious about what happens before the boys suddenly find themselves on the island. Brook cleverly uses still pictures to show what the boys were like when they were ‘civilised’. These still pictures can then be used in comparison with real life because they show that the boys are both the fantasy of the author as well ...

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