Compare the two short stories Tickets Please written by D.H. Lawrence And Tony Kytes written by Thomas Hardy.

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Compare the two short stories Tickets Please written by D.H. Lawrence

And Tony Kytes written by Thomas Hardy.

The two stories: Tickets Please and Tony Kytes show how the position of women and their acceptance in society changed in the short period of just 25 years.

Both stories differ and also show similarities in many ways. In this essay I plan to put forward these differences and explain them in as best way as possible using both texts to compare and contrast.

‘Tony Kytes, The Arch-Deceiver’ was written by Thomas Hardy. Born in 1840, Hardy is most famous for his novels, poetry and short stories. ‘Tony Kytes the Arch-Deceiver’ relates back to his upbringing in the rural countryside. Hardy created a fictional place within it called Wessex. The story shows life in the rural community, the people being very relaxed in the way that they live. The women in the story did hardly any work other than working within their houses and on their farms.

‘Tickets Please’ written by D.H. Lawrence is another short story but written 25 years after ‘Tony Kytes’. This story is also set in D.H Lawrence’s home region of Nottinghamshire betraying a much more urban setting. This story shows a greater amount of independence in the life of women. The men are all away fighting in the war and the women have been left doing jobs previously thought only suitable for men. The story looks into the women working on the hectic tramlines.

The journey taken by the characters in each story is very important, ‘Tickets Please’ is set on a long and winding tram line whereas ‘Tony Kytes’ is set on a horse drawn cart.

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Thomas Hardy’s story starts with little description about the setting compared to D.H. Lawrence’s. It is almost as though the setting of ‘Tony Kytes’ is unimportant to the story whereas in ‘Tickets Please’ the setting reflects the main characters and gives the story a good beginning.

The first difference we spot is within the plot of the stories and of its characters. The main male character in ‘Tickets Please’ is called John Thomas. He is in charge of the tramlines and also in control of the women working on them. He is known to be very popular and ...

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