Comparing 3 poems in the theme of love

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Name: Amalia Rosmadi

Group: 10 E2

Subject: English

Comparing 3 poem in the theme of love

~ First Love

~ A Birthday

~ My Last Duchess

        The poem that I want to compare are ‘First Love’ ‘A Birthday’ and ‘My Last Duchess’. Each poem has their own theme and meaning, but always different with each other. The entire poem that I want to compare is based on the theme of love, but different kind of love and how the poet feels about love.

        First things I want to discuss are the theme. The theme basically tells us what the poem is all about. In ‘First Love’ the theme is what the feeling when someone fall in love for the first time. The poet make us know that is someone fall in love, they will feel very excited and sometimes nervous. The theme for ‘A Birthday’ is how happy she feels if her dream lover comes to her and loves her. It quite similar to ‘First Love’, but we didn’t have the clue if that was the first time she falls in love or not. For ‘My Last Duchess’, the theme is jealousy in love. If someone really jealous to his lover, he will do anything-even he needs to kill her. It shows that love is not all sweet but sometimes it hurts.

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It means that jealousy exists in love.

        Next thing I want to discuss is how does the poet feel about love. These things make us know that there are many different feeling of love. Some people think that love is so sweet but some think love is hurt. Back to the poem, in ‘First Love’, the poet feels really happy and think that love is just sweet and that was the first time he’s in love. The only person he can think of is she and everything feel good for him. In ‘A Birthday’, she feels that love is ...

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