Creative Writing Essay based on A View From A Bridge

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Ian Harding

Creative Writing Essay – 'A View From A Bridge

The blazing fire within his chest started to die down slowly, his heart beating immensely and rapidly, until it started to slow down, unwinding; the hands of his clock starting to come to a stand still. But his breathing never seemed to halt. Short, repetitive, shallow breaths becoming long and deep; almost as if he’d never died. Surely it’s a miracle, his heart no longer beats, but he’s still alive and well.

The feeling within his body started to return and his eyes flashed open, only to be met by a bright blinding light. His eyes slowly started to adjust as he focussed in on these magnificent looking balls of white light, freely floating around the darkness that engulfed him. Then, the once silent lights began chiming as they came together in twos, then fours, almost like a luminous symphony. And once they were all joined, it became a swirling portal of light; the familiar voices inside it calling out to him.

Eddie! Eddie, no!

He slowly started to respond to the calls and managed to stand. Perplexed, he staggered towards the portal of light and proceeded to touch it; curiosity overpowering his sense of caution. He reached out his index finger and as a current of electricity surged through his veins, he was shocked to find that his finger had disappeared through the unknown. He then squeezed his eyes shut before a heavenly sensation seeped through him; a feeling he’d never encountered before. Then to his total surprise, when he’d stepped onto solid ground and opened his eyes, he was back in Red Hook, staring up at the home he’d left behind.

He froze, trying to understand what had just happened and why he was back at home if he’d just been killed. Just as he was gathering ideas and answers, a 12 year-old girl with auburn-bronze curls rounded the corner and skipped with content towards Eddie’s house. Eddie rubbed his eyes and blinked repeatedly, astonished because of what he had just seen.

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He jogged across the street and entered after her hurriedly, wishing what he’d just seen was real and that everything he went through with Beatrice’s cousins and Catherine was just a very long and hurtful dream. But of course, that was reality and this isn’t.

Once he’d gone in to his former home, he was stunned to see a replica of himself sitting in his favourite chair, reading his favourite newspaper. And just as he was about to become furious and confront the imposter, his eyes fell towards the date. It read 1949. Eddie’s breath caught in ...

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