Cyber Bullying

Authors Avatar by arunthathynair (student)

                             Behind the screens

 Remember the classic: “Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you”. Now with the help of technology the aged truth has turned reality for many teenagers and kids alike. Bullying, an unfortunate but seemingly unavoidable human activity, which has lingered on through centuries-maybe from the beginning of time-when the first life form began and now to the present day.  Sadly, the 21st century has taken a new twist on the act of torture though the wider world of telecommunications with an aid of a text, a wall post on face book or even an email.

The term “cyber bullying” can be defined “by the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or a group that is intended to harm others.” But in reality bullying demoralizes the victim’s self-esteem; make them so isolated and even in dismay of living. Is this what the world has come to?

Cyber bullying is not like the traditional school yard bully, where the victim is being harassed or teased eye to eye. The bullies in this story are like a pack of foxes lurking around to pounce on their prey. But you have got nowhere to hide. You got nowhere to run to: you are trapped inside a solid screen. You can feel their stinging icy stare of their cool, heartless eyes through the screen. It is as if you can feel their concentrated, hard, unbroken gaze that is upon you around the clock.

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50 or 60 years ago, bad behaviour stayed in the playground or in the confines of the school property. The time where the victim feared to attend the gruelling 7 hour of school sessions, but sighed with relief when they returned to the safety.  However, the technology enables bullies the ability to harass the victim 24/7, right at their fingertips. The victim is being bombarded with texts, post on face book, tweets. Words full of hatred once expected between the time of 7-3p.m now stab without warning at any hour. Teenagers or even kids don’t even feel safe in ...

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