Does The Fact That Hamlet Does Not Carry Out His One Task Admire Him Less

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Does The Fact That Hamlet Does Not Carry Out His One Task Admire Him Less

        The task that Hamlet is trying to do is to get revenge for the death of his Father, the old king over the new king, Claudius. If Hamlet did carry out his task at the start of the play it would be a very boring.

        While he is trying, he asks some very interesting questions and shows a great mind, which makes it very hard not to admire him.  In Hamlets most famous soliloque he asks

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

(II i 56)

Another task (which he manages to do) is the battle to keep himself from committing suicide.  Here he asks the big question of 'Would it matter if I was alive or dead?'.  Anybody who has walked this earth must have had to ask the very same question at some point and to a certain degree of seriousness.  Hamlet seems to always be on the edge of suicide throughout the whole play, but never falls.  Not many people could go through what he has been through and not fallen.  One of the numerous occasions is after the wedding between the new King and Queen (Hamlets mother) (I ii 129-158).  Another is before the play and after the Players arrive (II ii 543- 601).

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        Hamlet never answers any of his questions which gives the audience something to think about or maybe might help them to find their own answers.

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscovere'd county, from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will,

(III i 78-80)

This asks the question of whether there is life after death and if so, what is it like?  What Hamlet in particular was asking if maybe it is better than the earth as he knows it.  Many people can relate to this question because they have thought the same ...

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