Don't Get Me Started On... Spiders

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Don’t Get Me Started On Spiders

I absolutely hate spiders. In the whole wide world there’s nothing other than spiders that I hate the most (apart from cockroaches – of course).

Spiders terrify me just by looking at them from a distance. They’re these horrible, hairy bloodsucking creatures.

Despite being a huge animal lover (meaning that I like mainly dogs, cats, etc) I don’t, never have or ever will like spiders. They just make my skin crawl every time I see them. It could even be pitch black in a room but I can still feel the presence of an unwanted horrible animal.

One day while I was at home I couldn’t believe it when I found a massive spider in the living room. I was in so much shock. I literally went hysterical. They’re like these paper like things which creep around in your house when you don’t really want them there. I just can’t believe these nasty insects like creatures actually live in your house and they’re crawling around in it 24/7 without you realising. Next thing you know is that they’re in your bed or in your food which isn’t a good thing!

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Also it’s horrible when someone steps on spiders. As soon as the pressure from your foot goes onto the spider and you pick your foot back up again there’s the spider, pressed against the floor all out of life. UGH!!

Another terrible encounter with a spider was while I was washing my hands in a bathroom in a restaurant. I came across this humongous spider just crawling around on the floor. At first I didn’t really notice but after dropping my phone on the floor I saw this weird looking creature – the spider – inches away from my phone. ...

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