Drama Log.

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Lilleth Booth

Drama Log

Tuesday, 24th September ‘02

On this day we decided who would go in a group with whom. We then chose our favourite scene, Act II scene V, the box hedge scene when Malvolio discovers the letter. After we had decided on this scene we decided that the whole scene was too long for four so we cut it down, starting at Line 21 when Malvolio enters and finishing when Malvolio opens the letter from Maria. The casting was decided upon; Vicky was to play Malvolio as we agreed that she was the best actress among us and was the main character in this scene and probably the hardest character to play too; Katy played Sir Andrew as he was her first choice; Cate was to play Fabian as she thought he had the smallest part and she does not enjoy acting; and I was to play Sir Toby as nobody else wanted too and I did not mind! When we had given out the parts we read through the scene a few times. Apart from this we did not really discuss anything more to do with how we might act the scene or anything of this nature however we may have discussed how we might speak our parts.

Wednesday, 25th September ‘02  

Today we rehearsed our scene – on the stage as it were. We rehearsed in the upstairs area of the centenary building, i.e. outside the dance studio on the landing. This may not have been the most ideal and suitable place as there were two groups downstairs in the two lobby/foyer areas and so it was quite loud and so was often quite hard to hear each other’s lines and concentrate on what we were doing. We made decisions about who stood where, and we also changed around two parts. I switched roles with Katy to play Sir Andrew as we found that I wasn’t suitable for the part of Sir Toby because I didn’t get annoyed enough with Malvolio and I also could not put on a suitable voice to play Sir Toby either, also Katy was willing to play Sir Toby instead as she enjoyed acting his character. I would say that Vicky probably was our director in the scene as she had the most ideas and suggestions about how we may act the scene and stage it but we all had our own suggests and input to make to how the whole scene might run.

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For Prep

For prep, I shall probably have a read through with my group to improve our scene and I shall also read through my part myself. I will also come up to date with my Drama Log for prep.

Friday, 27th September ‘02

Today we performed our scenes. At the beginning of the lesson we agreed upon where we would perform our scenes, our group decided to perform in the lobby area outside the chapel using the bar (-where the hymn books are kept) as our box hedge, the group performing the scene in which Olivia ...

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