Educating Rita

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Educating Rita is written by Willy Russell, Rita is one of the main characters along with Frank. As an audience, we see Rita change throughout the play.

Rita is doing an Open University degree on literature. She is doing this course as she likes reading, but she has never read any serious literature, only pulp fiction (such as Ruby Fruit Jungle). She changes her name from Susan to Rita, because Rita Mae Brown was the author of Ruby Fruit Jungle. Rita wants to learn, but she just does not know how to due to her lack of formal education. Rita left school with no qualifications and became a hairdresser.

Her husband, Denny does not want her to do the course. Rita says. “He hates me comin’ here”. That is what Denny’s frightened of, he thinks Rita and him will grow apart if Rita gets the education she has longed for. However, after seeing Frank, her tutor, Rita thinks it makes her stronger as a person. Denny believes if Rita has a baby everything will be all right, then he can have Rita to himself and through this, she will not want anything else. Instead of gaining an education, he wants her to go to the Pub with him and his mates, being the highlight of his week.

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Rita comes back from Summer School, in Act 2 Sc1, a changed woman.. As an audience, we see this through the stage directions. At the beginning of each Act, Rita has dramatic entrances. In Act 1, Rita rushes in swearing and shouting about the sticking door. She says, “It’s that stupid bleedin’ handle on the door, you wanna get it fixed!” However, in Act 2, Rita twirls on the spot to show off her new clothes, we see this through stage directions. She is dressed in new, second hand clothes after her trip to the summer school. This, the ...

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