Elizabeth receives three proposals of marriage in 'Pride and Prejudice'. Why does she reject the first two and accept the third? You should consider: Elizabeth's motives for the decisions she makes

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Pride and prejudice

Coursework Assignment C

Q. Elizabeth receives three proposals of marriage in 'Pride and Prejudice'. Why does she reject the first two and accept the third? You should consider:

* Elizabeth's motives for the decisions she makes

* Her relationships with Mr Collins and Mr Darcy

* Austen's presentations of the 3 proposals

* The importance of marriage in the society of the time

In reading Pride and Prejudice it becomes very apparent that marriage is a very central theme. In fact a lot of the action is focused on the main Character Elizabeth and her decisions on the three marriage proposals. Elizabeth receives three marriage proposals throughout the novel 'Pride and Prejudice'. However she rejects the first two and accepts the third. Elizabeth's motives for these decisions are based wholly on her relationships with Mr Darcy and Mr Collins. Throughout these decisions we gain a valuable insight of the character Elizabeth and also come to realise the enormity of the importance attached to marriage in her contemporary time.

In the early 1800s marriage was vital for women if they were to live an affluent and socially acceptable lifestyle. Women in the early 1800s did not earn money; this was the man's job. Women therefore looked at marriage as means of stability, thus making women dependent on men. Since women were deprived of the liberty to earn and inherit money, marriage was their safety net from a life of poverty and despair. Men were seen as superior to women in, the form in which they received money, jobs, marriage and other affairs. If women were born into the lower or middle class people they were seen inferior to upper-class people because of their lack of wealth. The very upper class people were known as aristocrats. Anyone of the aristocracy did not need marriage for means of stability. Lady Catherine De Bourgh was if the aristocracy and though she was very rich she wanted her daughter to marry Darcy so her daughter would continue living a pleasant and comfortable life as she was living. Throughout the novel we see the necessity of marriage especially to lower class people like the Bennets as they have all female children.
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Throughout the novel 'Pride and Prejudice' we are reminded of the importance of marriage in many ways; The way in which Mrs Bennet is so eager to get her daughters married, Mr Collins annoyance at Elizabeth's refusal of marriage, Miss Charlotte Lucas' eagerness to accept Mr Collins proposal highlights the stigma attached to unmarried women. Mrs Bennet's joy at Jane and Elizabeth's marriages into wealthy backgrounds further consolidates the importance of marriage.

Elizabeth has many motives for rejecting the first proposal she receives. Her first proposal is given by Mr. Collins her cousin. Elizabeth has a very ...

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