Explain and Describe the Emergence and Rise of the Beast in 'Lord of the Flies' by William Golding.

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Explain and Describe the Emergence and Rise of the Beast in ‘Lord of the Flies’ by William Golding

William Golding published his novel for the first time in 1954. The story is been made to show the interactions with different types of people and to illustrate man’s nature by how they cooperage. The book has many forms of symbolism, which include the conch and the beast among others. These symbols are used to show the nature of man and what the boys become when they direct themselves. It can be used in context today and you can make comparisons with these matters in everyday life. It describes how the world works.


        Because this book was written in 1954, it was reasonably close to World War Two and Golding uses a lot of references to the war and war itself. Such as the choir, ‘Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark fumbling along.’ Pg. 26, the choir is dressed in a black colour, which was also the colour of the SS soldiers, which Hitler controlled. The choir also become hunters who go and kill pigs like the SS soldiers killed people. Jack is also the leader of the choir and is like Hitler in ways, he doesn’t care for any of the weak children who are useless, he does not care for anyone except himself and he tries to gain control of the people all the way through the book. Jack is a figure of evil and shows no remorse for any of his actions. He doesn’t care for people who suffer. He constantly persecutes Ralph for his actions and tries to get him overthrown and eventually does. *Jack seizes power and declares himself ‘Chief’ and is known after this by name. ‘I’m Chief’ Pg 223.*

         Golding used to be a schoolteacher at an all boys school, this could have affected they way he wrote his book, such as the novel only having all boys in his book. He taught at a public school but the children all spoke well-spoken English and speak with the English accent at the start of the book. The only person who had seemed to be more common than all the rest was Piggy but he doesn’t speak very well. Piggy also is a very different boy to all the rest, he has asthma and he wears glasses and he is also obese. *He is taunted because of his weight by Jack and is hated by him because he is different to all of the others and that he is trying to make everything better but Jack doesn’t want it.

         This novel is made for if the Cold War had gone further and had evacuated the children by plane. The Cold War was still on at the time when everyone was affected by what would happen next and if there would be nuclear war. The nuclear bomb came from the birth of the atomic bomb and people were wondering if splitting the atom was a benefit or would lead to the destruction of the human race or not.

         The plane crash at the beginning of the book symbolises man-causing destruction to nature. The island is damaged and is scarred; this is the first part of the destruction on the island but ends in the initial destruction of the island by a fire caused by mans interference and there need for violence and chaos.

          The beast is a symbol of the children’s fear and their evil, which is of the mind. The first notion of hostility on the island is when a bird is heard ‘When a bird, a vision of red and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was echoed by another’ Pg. 11  A witch is known as a malicious being and you should be fearful of it.  


        In the bible it is said that there is a Garden of Eden, this was a peaceful place where everyone lived in harmony with each other and were happy. In the paradise lived the first human beings who were named Adam and Eve, which in Hebrew means Man and Women. God demanded a single thing that Adam and Eve were forbade doing and this was that they were not allowed to eat from the tree of knowledge. Eve was by the tree and a snake came out named Lucifer, Lucifer was a fallen angel who challenged God and is also known as the devil. He was turned into the lowest of all life forms, a snake, a being without legs and had to crawl and creep like the snake he was. Lucifer the snake enticed the feeble Eve who succumbed to the snake and took a bite out of the apple from the tree of knowledge. This apple was filled with all of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve also inveigled Adam into taking a bite from the apple. They now knew of evil and they covered up their sexual organs with leaves. God had discovered that they had eaten part of the apple and was enraged with anger, he asked the two to explain themselves. When they described the events they lied to God and tried to blame it on each other. They do this because evil is now inside them and they didn’t have the innocence that they once had. God was so furious about this insubordination that he banished the two of them to the far reaches of the earth, to the land of the Nod, where God disconnected with them and left them to do what they liked.

In this book Jack is persecuting Ralph for anything that he has done because Jack himself is not the leader, the book turns from beast to savagery from the children led by Jack. Piggy is the one who is adult and tries to keep peoples mind on being saved instead of behaving like savages and animals and concentrating on the sole purpose of eating meat.

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The painted faces of the children in the book represents how they changed altogether, how the children turned into a mob rather than individual people and turned into savages. It changes their consciousness into nothing. The painted faces of the children takes away their morality.

The beast is in different forms in this book, it comes from the children’s fear that there might actually be something out there, which might try to attack them. The first notion of hostility forms the beast. There is no beast on the island just themselves. The beast is first formed by ...

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