Ghost Story

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Ghost Stories are really popular, and always have been for a very long time. Several reasons why ghost based novels and movies have been successful, is because many people like the thrill. People will pick up a novel or enter a cinema without knowing how you will fell after, kind of in a way... similar to rollercoaster’s and why people go on them. People are just waiting for a break of normal day-to-day life and are craving some excitement. Nearly all ghost stories keep you suspended until the last moment, can’t wait to turn that hand and read the next page. This keeps the reader at there nerves, but still wanting to read the rest of the book, and finish it, then buy another, then do the exact same. People who sat that they have seen a ghost, just puts other people in a fixed mind set thinking how you would feel during a encounter with a ghost, how you would feel afterwards, would you tell anyone. People often say you get Goosebumps and go cold, and every noise you hear – you think someone is there, the fear factor is there. There is a number of factors to contribute to a good ghost story, a few of them are; Vocabulary – When the writer gives a good detailed account of what people are wearing, how the setting is, how the weather (is there pathetic fallacy?). It will give the reader a better understanding of what’s actually going on and so they can then picture it in your head. Unpredictability – Twist’s in the story line, things to keep the reader asking questions after each page, and being answered at the end of the novel, twist’s that aren’t answered, sort of cliff hangers. Suspense and Development of Tension – this is a key factor because it’s mainly suspense and tension that the reader finds intriguing and what makes them turn the page. Being, again descriptive, going into every sentence as the reader was in the story not knowing anything. Build up of tension; writer would want the reader to feel agitated in specific parts, taking slow steps to describe things, keeping audience at the “edge of there seat”, and similarly the writer needs to develop the tension through his writing.

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There are Hundreds of Ghost Stories, old, modern, Traditional. The two Stories I am going to compare is “The Call”, and “The Old Nurse’s Story”, there are a few similarities, some of them are; The Ghost’s – In both stories, the ghosts are both lonely and seeking companionship, and they both got companionship in the end by taking over there victims. From The Call – “What the hell am I doing here?”, Asked Meg, as if waking from a dream”. Meg was taken into a trance by the ghost, in this case by a telephone call. The ghost was pretending someone ...

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