Give a detailed analysis of Othello's final speech,

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Give a detailed analysis of Othello’s final speech, “Soft you a word or two before I go…” as presented in the various screen interpretations you have seen. Discuss the effectiveness. Put forward alternative staging options which you feel would be more effective. Make links with different Literary – Critical interpretations, as well as with context material. Show how the passage picks up themes from the play as a whole.

Andrew Mackay 12E


DATE: 04/02/03

The five screen interpretations where all with the actors playing Othello as, Welles, Olivier, Hopkins, White and Fishburne. All five were produced on video format with a contrast of film and stage presentations. I have decided to focus on the three presentations of, Olivier, White and Fishburne. The final speech of Othello starts with Othello near to or cradling the limp lifeless boy of Desdemona after he has killed her. Iago has been arrested and Emilia is dead. The play is closing in the traditional Shakespearian way with an explosive and emotional ending similar to Romeo and Juliet with the loves killing themselves as a result of misfortune and lies. In the films there is a mixture of setting and performance styles and some of the Othello’s are “blacked up” as they are of Caucasian natural skin. This speech is important as it is the culmination of the whole play and all the issues raised as to the love and mind of “the Moor” are addressed. The whole last scene, Act 5 Scene 2 is a closing of the tragic and powerful story. This scene is as important as Act 2 Scene 2 or Act 4 Scene 1 all of which will be reviewed in this essay. The importance of each theme covered in Othello will also be looked at and I will investigate its meaning and why it was used as it was by Shakespeare. As well as this I will also review the context in which specific words and phrases have a massive impact. As well as film interpretations I will also look at artistic pieces namely paintings by Colin and Delacroix of different parts of the scene.

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The speech begins with two important words “Soft you;” these show Othello’s desire for a kind eye from both the audience and his fellow men, Cassio, Lodovico. The punctuation of a semi-colon which was not in the original script allows the actor to wait for the men to be in his attention and so he can begin his confession and his quest for forgiveness. There is a sense of tragic fate throughout the play from the interrogation of Othello over his love for Desdemona in front of the governors in Act I. This love was described as “pure love” ...

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This essay tries to do too much and therefore the response is not fully developed in any area. Whether considering productions or text analysis of language, structure and form are key and not enough discussion of this is present in this essay. 3 Stars