How do 'Porphyria's Lover' and 'The sisters' explore the themes of love, jealousy and madness?

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How do ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘The sisters’ explore

 the themes of love, jealousy and madness?

The two poems are both stories of love and then murder, and a complex linking of the two. ‘Porphyria’s lover’ is a poem about two lovers, who can not be a couple, due to maybe social status, or other partners, when the woman declares his love for the man, he strangles her in an attempt to preserve the moment.

‘The sisters’ is a poem about two sisters and an earl, the earl falls in love with one of the sisters, but the other one becomes incredibly jealous, so when the first sister dies, she makes the earl fall in love with her, until she has a chance to kill him and get revenge for choosing her sister first. Both poems involve love and quite brutal murders.

The beginning of ‘Porphyria’s lover’ sets the scene for the rest of the poem. It begins with a description of the weather, it mentions the rain and the ‘sullen’ wind, but then it talks about it ‘tearing the elm tops down for spite’ this is personification of the weather, creating an angry, troubled effect, this can be related to the speakers own feelings, his depression and his building bitterness, it also shows his propensity to violence, which comes to a climax when he kills his lover. The beginning of the poem is quite dark and depressing when the speaker is alone in the cottage, however when the woman enters, she has the effect of brightening up the whole atmosphere, making the cottage feel warm, and more welcoming, or so the speaker believes m this is an illustration of how fond the speaker is of his lover, she has the effect of brightening up his life, this is maybe the reason why he becomes so obsessed with her.

The whole poem is in one long stanza(verse), this is perhaps showing a sort of building anger within the person, or it could also be a hint at the state of mind of the speaker, as it is very unusual to have such a long poem only in one stanza, however the state of the speakers mind is very abnormal so maybe this is symbolised through the arranging of the stanza as also being abnormal. There is a very sporadic rhyming scheme in the poem; the first five lines have a rhyming scheme of A,B,A,BB, this pattern is continued all the way through the poem, however after each five lines the rhyming words change, causing the next five to become a C,D,C,DD scheme. This creates an effect of irregularity or improper thought, much like the speakers mind, we find the speaker to be a very troubled person as the poem continues, much like the rhyming form.

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There is obviously a lot of love between these two people, ‘she loved me’, however we do get a real sense that there is something stopping them from being together, ‘To set its struggling passion free/ and give her self to me forever,’ this seems to imply that this is a secret relationship and that it might be an affair, on the part of the woman, this would give more reason as to why the relationship was being covered up, although this would give the speaker a desire to have her with him at all times, and not to let ...

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This essay begins promisingly, but becomes very descriptive, retelling the events of each poem instead of closely examining the differing techniques used to construct each text and present themes. Be selective at the planning stages of your essay. ***